GM Marketing and Management of PT Smart Telecom, Ganeca Widyastuti when contacted Thursday (10/6) said that lately there have been increasing data users outside the normal cycle.
"As an operator, we usually see a cycle. Normally users will experience increased usage on holidays or at night. Just now we saw no difference. We see an increase in traffic, "he said in Jakarta.
Today funny pictures porn video inspired 'Ariel' continue to be exchanged on the Internet. In addition to email, funny pictures also appear on Facebook wall.
However, according Ganeca a jump in traffic due to porn video that was not a problem. While the operator data service disruption usually depends on the location, device and how many people are accessing. "However, until now, our quality was fine," he asserted.
Ganeca assess at this time there is a tendency more and more people are accessing information through the Internet. Not just for downloading, but opened the site to get information right now is mostly done using mobile facilities, such as by phone.
"The people of Indonesia does have a very high curiosity. We saw no improvement in recent weeks, "he said. [Ito:]