Nokia N8 Get Power Problems - Nokia said some of the flagship smartphone N8 has a defect that causes the mobile phone can suddenly turns itself off.
It is said Chief Sales Nokia, Niklas Savander he heard complaints from users who reported their phones N8 necessarily dead and can not be turned on again.
"It caused problems in the production process. Errors in power management comes from the way in which the engine components that cover most of the technology on mobile phones, including the cover and the battery on N8 now being installed," says Savander as reported by Reuters and quoted on Friday (19/11/2010).
Trying to calm consumers, Savander said this problem only occurs on a small number of users. "When viewed in total, the number of phones with problems a little," he said.
N8 mobile is a special smartphone Nokia prepared specifically as a true challenger to the iPhone. Analysts said the N8 would be very important in contributing to a major advantage for Nokia in the quarter.
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