Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Google Officially Announces Nexus S

Google Officially Announces Nexus S - Google finally officially introduced the Nexus S. The next Google phone will be manufactured by Samsung.

Unlike the Nexus, which was launched with bells and whistles, Google announced the Nexus S only through a posting on his official blog.

Andy Rubin, Android founder who now serves VP of Engineering at Google, reveals Nexus S in conjunction with the inauguration of the Android 2.3 aka Gingerbread.

"Nexus S is the device model for Gingerbread/Andorid 2.3; this will be the first Android device that uses the latest platforms," writes Rubin as quoted on Tuesday (07/12/2010)

Google developed the Nexus S together with Samsung. The specifications are quite close to the popular Samsung products: Samsung Galaxy S.

Technorati Tags: nexus s, samsung galxy, gogole, smart phone