Samsung seems to now being the upper hand in terms of Android phones. Their products in this realm is "Galaxy S" which proved quite popular.
As announced in the official Google blog on Tuesday (07/12/2010), Samsung was finally officially introduced as a Google partner in making the Nexus S.
Like what Nexus specification S? Here are some of the data collected by detikINET:
1. Nexus S will have a 1 GHz processor Samsung Hummingbird. This processor, similar to that used in S Galaxy, based on ARM Cortex A8.
2. Nexus S has a 512 MB memory, equivalent to a 'standard' currently used by the iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy S.
3. As Google CEO Eric Schmidt promised, Nexus S will have a device called Near Field Communication. NFC can be used for financial transactions via short-range wireless connection.
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